Customer Guide
Firefox OS Version:
Which Version Do I Have?

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The Smartphone Rookie
Heres what you can say:

Firefox OS is the best choice for first time smartphone users. It’s super easy to use and it adapts to your needs better than any other phone, so you get more of what you need with less time searching. Plus, it’s packed with all the features you’d expect, from Camera, to Email, apps from the Firefox Marketplace, Music and more.

The Smartphone Rookie
Heres what you can say:

Firefox OS is the best choice for first time smartphone users. It’s super easy to use and it adapts to your needs better than any other phone, so you get more of what you need with less time searching. Plus, it’s packed with all the features you’d expect, from Camera, to Email, apps from the Firefox Marketplace, Music and more.

The Smartphone Rookie
Heres what you can say:

Firefox OS is the best choice for first time smartphone users. It’s super easy to use and it adapts to your needs better than any other phone, so you get more of what you need with less time searching. Plus, it’s packed with all the features you’d expect, from Camera, to Email, apps from the Firefox Marketplace, Music and more.

The Smartphone Rookie
Heres what you can say:

Firefox OS is the best choice for first time smartphone users. It’s super easy to use and it adapts to your needs better than any other phone, so you get more of what you need with less time searching. Plus, it’s packed with all the features you’d expect, from Camera, to Email, apps from the Firefox Marketplace, Music and more.